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Working with Julie has changed my life. I now have the tools to overcome any obstacle, which is amazing.


I wasn’t in a good place, I was feeling low, plagued by self doubt, obsessive thinking and was being very critical and hard on myself. I also had low self esteem which was impacting my relationships. 


I now feel in control of my life and have been able to start living again and actually enjoy my life. I also now have energy and love to exercise which is a big change. 


I am able to be present, enjoy life to the full with confidence and now see things in colour. I have improved relationships with family and friends too which I never imagined possible. I feel like this has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and can’t recommend it enough. 


Julie has always been so encouraging, patient and kind. She has taught me so many invaluable things and I am forever grateful to her! 


Thank you Julie.



Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Four hours felt like an hour as the training was so complete and engaging. Julie is a good listener and personalised her responses so that the training felt bespoke.

I liked the visuals which along with the conversation made it come across clearly.

The work is so multi-layered and uses all the senses together with movement so that it takes up the whole body and the mind. I was not distracted, but completely consumed while doing the process. The process itself is straight forward and logical.


A lot of the things I learned were new or they articulated things well that I already knew.

Sometimes in life I could locate the problem but had no tools to do anything about it. Having these tools life will be so different.


You are not your body and symptoms but you can observe them and influence them, was the most important point I have taken from the training.


I realised that I was in fight and fawn mode the whole time and I can improve so much in my life by changing that with the things I have learned with Julie.



Long Covid


I found that Julie challenged my old beliefs and the way that I thought about things before.  it was very enlightening as to future possibilities.


I have an unexpected amount of energy and positivity and I walked on the beach for two hours after day two.


I feel positive that I can impact change and really start to flourish.





​I have to admit, even though I’ve healed fully from ME using mind/body techniques, I was still skeptical that I could heal my very deep very long running patterns that have affected my life significantly for decades.


By the end of the third day I was feeling an incredible level of calm and confidence, confidence that I could indeed change my beliefs change the wiring of my brain and truly enjoy my life again.


Attached to my anxiety and stress patterns have been a whole host of health issues that I’ve been affecting me for a long time – I know that those health issues are part of the patterns my brains been running and already feel those health issues lifting


Julie as a practitioner is absolutely outstanding and utterly brilliant.

She has an incredible level of experience, empathy, caring and skill, and is able to adapt the lightning process to exactly how it will work the very best for you.


I felt like she deeply understood me and how I could change my brain to get back the joy and fun, calm, happiness and excitement that’s been missing for quite some time


I feel like I’ve got a bombproof tool kit now, and I know that using it every day will rewire my brain so that being  calm confident and happy will just be an automatic program for me





I didn’t have many expectations


It took my surprise how it was but when I first felt the sensation of calm in my body, it was incredible.  I didn’t think it would work that quickly.


I like the way it is a choice of this this or that, it makes it easier to comprehend.


Learning that I have a choice is so powerful, it’s incredible.


Every one should do it.  I wish they would.


Julie explained everything very simply and it was easy to understand.


It will have a massive impact in a positive way.  I am going to be able to do things that I have wanted to do for years and never done before.



​Anxiety, Dizziness


I have been suffering with anxiety issues  related to a health problem I have been dealing with.


​The work with Julie has been really instructive and has helped me to understand how my brain works and more importantly how I can retrain my thinking.


Julie has been so helpful with this. She has taught me various strategies in order to deal with situations I had been struggling with. I find Julie very easy to talk to, and someone with whom I can share my anxieties. She has endless patience, even when some of the problems probably seem quite minor.


​I have made really good progress since I have been seeing Julie and I am so grateful for her help and encouragement. I can highly recommend her.



Alcohol use


I spent twenty years struggling not to overdrink.


​It started in my twenties, I can’t pinpoint a reason, it just kinda evolved over time. I wasn’t a ‘drunk’, I didn’t wake up in the morning with the shakes or fall over and wet myself after a night out. I was one of those, “middle drinkers.” One glass, no two, oh go on then, open another bottle; type drinkers. 


I would get up for work, do a good job, go home and cook dinner, I was a mother, wife, friend. Everything appeared to be OK, but I was hiding the agonising struggle going on inside me, every single day, for twenty years.


I went to the doctors several times, and explained, ‘I just can’t seem to control the amount of wine I drink.’’ I was sent to addiction groups and surrounded by people who had lost their homes and family, (and worse) because of the demon drink. That wasn’t me? I couldn’t relate to that? I had nowhere to turn.


I distracted myself, took up hobbies, denied myself, and lived within this constant circle of misery. Evenings would approach and wine was on my mind, I resisted, fought and battled against the urge. Often I would win, but the victory was short lived as the desire would reignite once again, the very next day.

There was no way out! I was destined to be like this forever.

​Then, Julie Willis came along.


​As I write this, I am smiling, because I am in awe of just how easy she made everything for me. I stopped over drinking after one session. Twenty years of mind games and internal conflict, and it went away. Just like that!


I used to say to myself, “ giving up is so hard!” but it turned out that it wasn’t, It was actually easy, Julie gave me the tools to use and suddenly I could do it!

​Julie did more for me in that short time, than therapist and doctors had done in my whole adult life.


Things are very different now, thanks to Julie, I don’t hate myself, the guilt and self-judgement have gone, the anxiety is non-existent, I love waking up in the morning and just feeling good! 




Panic Attacks


Before I started seeing Julie I was suffering from crippling anxiety and panic attacks. I was at a low point in life and had very little confidence both socially and in myself. Catastrophic thinking and social anxiety were a real struggle for me.


​Julie helped me to find ways to not only control my thoughts, but accept them. I’ve learned how to be positive no matter what and she’s helped me to love myself for who I am. I feel like a completely new, confident, happy person and I can’t thank her enough for that.


​I honestly can’t recommend Julie enough. She is the kindest person, so trustworthy and always made me feel comfortable. For anyone else struggling with similar problems, definitely go and see her as soon as you can! Truly life changing.



Parent of Teenager, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


My 16 year old daughter saw Julie in January 2023 after suffering from CFS for almost 6 years. In this time she really struggled getting into school and was not able to enjoy a normal teenage life due to her constant exhaustion. After an hour at school she would need a 4 hour nap most days. The fatigue was so debilitating we had to take a wheelchair on our summer holiday as the 20 min walk to the beach was just too much.


The future for my daughter looked very bleak until she had worked with Julie which has now totally changed her life. She’s back at school doing her A levels and hopes to go to University next year. She’s recently started a part time job and has enjoyed normal activities like going to the cinema and parties, something she could only dream of doing in the past.


We are so very grateful for Julie’s kind and caring way in which she delivered the training and the follow up support afterwards. She is currently thriving and we couldn’t wish for anything more or thank Julie enough.



Burnout, Anxiety, Depression


Sickness, bereavement, assault, financial pressures and impossible work pressures. 


My response to these circumstances had me at the bottom of the darkest pit, completely incapacitated with depression and anxiety. 


I was desperate to climb out and boy did I try. 


I went to counselling, had weekly hypnotherapy, tried cold showers, long walks, journalling, meditation... the list goes on. 


I worked so hard to get out of that pit, I even went on to anti-depressants. 


I tried it all. And all those things are important and helpful but there was one key part missing.


I knew all the unhelpful patterns I was falling into, the perfectionism, the unrealistic expectations of myself, the negative self talk, the emotional baggage I dragged around with me. I could see exactly where I was going wrong.


And yet... knowing where I was going wrong and knowing what I should be doing didn't help me know HOW to do it. 


Enter Julie. 


And my goodness me. 


I was so ready for this next step. I so needed the TOOLS to help me break old habits and old patterns that kept pulling me on a slippery slope right back into that pit. 


My old ways of thinking continued to surface and impact both my mental and physical health with multiple chronic conditions, despite everything I was doing. 


And then I started working Julie. 


To call it "transformative" is massively underselling it.


And the amazing thing is that although it feels like some serious "woo woo" when you feel the shift in your body, it is all rooted in science and you can SEE how real it is. 


Julie identified exactly what I needed and went above and beyond with this course, finding ways to present it to me in a way that would resonate. 


One week after completing the course, I feel lighter, happier, more focused, more positive and more resilient. 


My body is working better. I have more energy. 


I am so grateful for this course and I think no matter what physical or mental health struggles you are facing, if you genuinely want to get unstuck and make the change, then this course is for you.

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